eNotes Editorial, 12 Mar. This confuses Lennie because he doesnt understand why she would do this if she already has a husband. Steinbeck paints her sympathetically, and she only got married to Curley to get away from her controlling mother. Or was there something more to it? George could not take it anymore, therefore he killed him. Latest answer posted November 19, 2020 at 6:35:21 PM. Lennie kills Curley's wife because of his inability to control his own strength and emotions. Already a member? She asks him to feel her soft hair. Well, I wasn't gonna stay no place where I couldn't get nowhere or make something of myself, an' where they stole your letters, I ast her if she stole it, too, an' she says no.". In Of Mice and Men, how and why does Lennie kill Curley's wife? Earlier in their conversation, Lennie mentioned that George would be angry if he learned Lennie has spoken to Curley's wife. First and foremost, its important to understand that Lennie is not in full control of his mental faculties. Why Rocky is Leaving ASTRO and Label Fantagio? 20% Already a member? Analyzes how john steinbeck utilizes george, crooks, and curley's wife to present the overwhelming battle between companionship and loneliness. Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. Lennie accidentally killed his puppy after it: Lennie instantly agrees to talk to Curley's wife. George is that guardian and this makes him partially responsible for Curley's wife's death. He tells the body of Curley's wife that she shouldn't be sleeping in the barn, only to realize she's dead. Hm, says Curley's wife. Fig. The Dark Secret Behind Rins Death: What You Need to Know. This is very much in keeping with the novel's themes, though, because Lennie lacks control over his actions more than anyone else. Candy comes by. Lennie killed it by snapping its neck because he thought the puppy was going to bite him. He looks out for him and protects him from harm whenever possible. For each symbol, write down Who does Curley blame for the murder? Essentially, Lennie and Curleys wife come together in the barn because both characters have been victimized by Curley. As for George, he tries to tell the others that Lennie didn't mean it, but that excuse isn't going to help Lennie this time, and George knows it. For example when Carlson killed Candys, Some people might think in the opposite side that George should not killed Lennie because Lennie did not mean to anything. Discount, Discount Code George Milton took Lennie Smalls life. He is talking to his dead puppy, which he hit after it bit him. George had to constantly worry about Lennie's safety and well-being, and this took a toll on his own mental and emotional health. "In Of Mice and Men, how and why does Lennie kill Curley's wife?" What quotes show that Crooks is lonely in Of Mice and Menby John Steinbeck? It seems unfair to blame George because he was faced with the task of watching Lennie, a grown man, 24 hours a day. The struggle ends when he accidentally breaks her neck. There are a number of possible explanations for why Lennie killed Curley's wife. When Curleys wife visits Crookss stable, she admits in a moment of loneliness that she once dreamed of starring in movies, then quickly attacks each man with derogatory remarks. What is his reaction? There is a fine line between her loneliness and any flirting she does for affection or to get the men in trouble with Curley. She is purposefully flirtatious. The chapter opens with Lennie having accidentally killed his puppy. This is the crux of the question posed in the story's final chapter. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. But that is an indirect line of responsibility that goes along with the social structure of ranches in general. Accessed 2 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Why isnt Curleys wifes name ever revealed? Analyzes how crooks is different from the other ranch hands, and curley's wife is also an outcast. "Now don't," he said. So he's shaking her to try to protect his part in the dream. Dont have an account? Free trial is available to new customers only. Why s Lennie angry at the puppy. In the first instance, he throws his dead puppy, blaming it, thinking George won't let him tend rabbits because he killed it. There are a number of possible explanations for why Lennie killed Curleys wife. Reasons, Why Itachi Uchiha Had to Kill His Own Clan? When Lennie gets to the "brush" in chapter six, he has two hallucinations. Then Lennie grew angry. One possibility is that he was simply trying to protect himself. Lennie kills Curley's wife; therefore, he is responsible. He is only shaking her like that because he wants her to stop yelling. She shouts, and he holds on. But he kills her and the dream too. Lennies childlike innocence can be both a strength and a weakness. I never got that letter I always thought my ol' lady stole it. (Chapter 5). Your email address will not be published. Curley takes a shotgun and leads the hunt to kill Lennie. Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. She continues talking to him, first about how he hurt Curley. her promiscuous demeanor draws lennie's attention and causes george to feel uncomfortable. Why does George leave and then return to the scene of the crime? Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. First, Curley's wife insists on talking with Lennie even after he warns her that he "ain't supposed to" because "George's scared [he'll] get in trouble." He picks it up again and pets it. he gets a little to rough and when Curley's wife starts to struggle, he gets confused and hold even tighter. sadness and despair and wants to protect Lennie from getting lynched. You begin to see how Lennie needs George more than George needs Lennie. He didnt mean to kill her, but in his confusion and fear, he lashed out without realizing his own strengthwith tragic consequences. Finally, he shakes her and her neck snaps. Only George, by retelling his dreams about the farm, could spare Lennie from such a fate, and let him die as he lived: blissfully ignorant. An . Curleys wife explains that she hates Curley because he spends all his time sayin what hes gonna do to guys he dont like, and her marital dissatisfaction manifests as flirtatiousness with the other men on the ranch. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Curley's wife, who walks the ranch as a temptress, seems to be a prime example of this destructive tendencyCurley's already bad temper has only worsened since their wedding. However when Curley's wife was killed no one mourned, no one was sad. When Lennie doesn't want to talk to Curley's wife, how does she react? Now don't you do that." He also killed his pup who tried to bite him. When someone dies 99.9% of the time you feel sad and mourn for that person. You wasn't no good. While the rest of the workers are playing horseshoes, Lennie laments to himself inside the barn about accidentally killing his puppy. The rabbit says, Well, hes sick of you, said the rabbit. He was afraid that George would not let him be part of the dream anymore if Curley's wife got mad at him. She struggles, and he holds her down, eventually breaking her neck. In this chapter, we see a different side of Lennie. Latest answer posted December 07, 2020 at 5:10:16 PM. Lennie is the mentally handicapped best friend of George. In Of Mice and Men, how and why does Lennie kill his puppy? on 50-99 accounts. Hiding the dead puppy and in frustrated spirits, Lennie tells her that he's not supposed to talk to her. He thinks that Lennie had taken it to the meeting place. She is not prepared for Lennie's heavy petting and is ill equipped to handle his powerful hold. When Lennie explains that he likes to pet soft things, Curley's wife reveals that she too likes to feel silk and velvet, and she invites him to feel her hair, which is very soft. Throughout their journey, the author acquainted us with Lennie's tendency of stroking and petting soft things. She had wanted to be a movie star and even met someone from Hollywood who said she was perfect and would write to her. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. What are two examples showing how Lennie is discriminated against because of his disability in the book Of Mice and Men? Required fields are marked *. Latest answer posted December 07, 2020 at 5:10:16 PM. In the brush till he come. Latest answer posted December 21, 2017 at 8:49:36 PM. Her death is therefore a tragedy, and symbolizes the end of Lennie's carefree life. Lennie's puppy died because he handled it too roughly. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Lennie takes the dead puppy with him and goes out of the barn leaving the dead girl in the hay. Log in here. George, George made the right decision to kill Lennie because they were best friends and it would hurt George even more if he had to know someone else did it. In chapter three Candy says "I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. Her understandably horrified reaction at Lennie's touching her hair unnerves Lennie, so much so that he loses control and ends up killing Curley's wife. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Lennie is an intellectually disabled man, who is massive and extremely strong. That being said, one can't blame her for seeking to escape from Curley or for seeking companionship in what appears to be a lonely life on a ranch. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Who does Carlson think has stolen his Luger pistol? Curley's wife presents herself in a negative way. When George realizes that Curley's wife is dead, he feels that the others must be told what has happened so that they do not think he has had any part in the death, but only after . This enforces the idea that Curley's wife is limited by those who more or less possess her: Curley and her mother before that. Stovall and Other Moguls In The Making: murdoch hospital emergency waiting time She starts screaming, and he covers her mouth. He tells her to please not scream. 2018, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/in-of-mice-and-men-lennie-strangled-curley-s-wife-420833. You gonna get me in trouble jus' like George says you will. He focuses on George who tells him about the dream one more time before killing with him with Carlson's luger. The second is of a giant rabbit, which some critics have said is symbolic of Lennie's animalistic nature, but also reflects his obsession with petting soft things. Curley didn't even know if Lennie was actually laughing at him or at something else. Good News For The Messi Lovers: Sony Music Entertainment Announces Partnership with Messi for New Animated Series, Supergirl Takes on a New Role: Melissa Benoist as Teela in Masters of the Universe: Revelation, Why Did Snape Kill Dumbledore? All Candy cares about is his own future no one else's. Latest answer posted August 09, 2017 at 8:49:59 AM. He is mad at the puppy because it died and he throws the puppy at the wall. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Lennie was in imminent danger, Killing Lennie was the kindest thing George couldve done for him. You cant remember nothing that happens, but you remember ever word I say. Well, aint you gonna say it? (Steinbeck 47). Will you pass the quiz? Latest answer posted December 31, 2020 at 3:22:45 PM. He shook her then, and he was angry with her.". All women (and men) have this potential when survival is at stake, the infamous Donner Party's cannibalism being an example. for a customized plan. I don 't think George was Lennies true friend because they both didn 't like Curley. He does not kill her on purpose. He has done it without knowing how strong of himself. In Chapter Six, Lennie is hiding in the bushes next to the clearing he and George stayed in at the start of the book. George kills him so he does not feel like Candy who felt very bad after letting a stranger kill his dog. What is Lennie doing in the barn by himself? . Yet they have formed a "family," clinging together in the face of loneliness and alienation. He didnt mean to, he just didnt know his own strength because of his mental illness it keeps him from knowing reality. What does she ask Lennie to do? Near the end of the chapter, Candy casts the blame for all this happening on Curley's wife. He feels guilty over what he has done. Georgell be mad. The others are playing horseshoes. He talks to it, saying he didn't know he'd kill it. What do you think? Interestingly, Steinbeck never gives Curley's wife a name, and no one asks. We learn about the dreams of Curley's wife. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. In John Steinbecks 1937 novel, Of Mice and Men, the character of Lennie Small is a mentally-challenged migrant worker who finds himself in a number of difficult situations. The most likely explanation is that he was either acting in self-defense or trying to protect George, but its also possible that he simply didnt realize his own strength. He's petting his dead puppy. Why did Lennie kill Curley's wife? In self-defense, Lennie may have acted instinctively and grabbed her neck to protect himself, not realizing his own strength. The bosss son, Curley, embodies the cruelty of ranch life and creates the conditions that bring about the death of his own wife. Lennie then flees the ranch because Curley wants to kill him for what he did to his wife. It depends on the edition. When she discovers Lennie's affinity for petting soft things, she does not take into account Lennie's strength or inability to control his emotions, which is not her fault. He pets it in frustration. She asked him to stroke her hair but then he grabbed in a bit. She's happy about what he did because she doesn't like Curley or this place. After Curley finds out that his wife has died, he becomes determined to kill Lennie gruesomely for revenge. creating and saving your own notes as you read. In particular, he struggles to comprehend that what is perfectly normal to What does Lennie's death symbolize? But because Lennie does not know how to control his own strength, he squeezes Curley's wife's neck too hard and crushes her spine. So I think George shouldnt have killed him. Analyzes how curley's wife copes with loneliness by seeking attention, which can lead to problems for the individual and others. Lennie is killed by George at the end of the book, for Lennie's own good, because 1) George thinks that Lennie will do other bad stuff, 2) George knows that Curley and his men will kill Lennie anyway because Lennie killed Curley's wife and 3) George is doing it now, without Lennie having any pain or without him knowing this is the end. Thats a thing I want ya to know (Steinbeck 106). Lennie unintentionally killed Curley's wife and did not recognize his own strength when he attempted to shut her up. In many ways, George is like a parent telling their child not to touch something hot because it will burn them. In this frame, some of the responsibility lies in the unfortunate outcome of the social situation. Although Lennie is the one who physically kills Curleys wife, Of Mice and Men consistently shows that Lennie is not to blame for her death. George was a small man with a dark face and restless eyes. Unfortunately, because of Lennies childlike innocence, he doesnt always understand or remember these warnings. In response, Slimwho is presented as a godlike source of moral authoritydecrees that Lennie aint mean, solidifying Lennies innocence. As evidenced by the events of Chapter 6, Curleys men were able to independently get near Lennie, and were likely to approach him even without George as the shouts of men got louder and louder. Throughout the novel, George has been forced to protect Lennie from himself time and time again. However Lennie is going to die in someday and It is better choice if Lennie gets killed by George not the other, In the book Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck, I believe that George did make the right decision to shoot Lennie, because of the relationship that they had. Curley's wife had previously dreamed of being an actress. | "All the time he coulda had such a good time if it was not for you (Steinbeck). Of Mice and Men Essay In the fictional novella, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, George's decision to kill Lennie at the end of the novel was justified. Curley's wife comes in. The death of Curley's wife is a very sad time in indeed. She tries to get him to stop, but the harder she tries, the harder he holds on. Essentially, Lennie and Curley's wife come together in the barn because both characters have been victimized by Curley. Lennie and George, disparate types, are all against good reason, friends. When she begins yelling out in pain, Lennie begins covering her mouth and shaking her violently, leading to her neck breaking. Sign up to highlight and take notes. Toward the end of the story, Lennie kills Curley's wife by accident . Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Shortly, Curley's wife came into the barn where Lennie was standing. She wants company. In Weed, Lennie touched a woman's red dress and refused to let go when she panicked. . Hes even killed a mouse that Lennie was petting because he knew that if word got out that Lennie was capable of killing animals, they would be forced to leave the ranch where theyre currently working. The fact that Lennie has a history of "assaulting" women and is unable to loosen his grip when asked indicates that he is more responsible for Curley's wife's death. Lennie realizes right away that "I done a bad thing," though he seems unable to comprehend the consequences of his actions beyond making George upset with him. Curley's wife is hardly a femme fatale or a seductress. In the first chapter of Of Mice and Men, what does George say to Lennie about how his life could be better without him? How Did Critics React to Of Mice and Men? Contrary to Georges hopes, having Lennie in prison would be inhumane. He should kill Lennie because Lennie cannot control his mind because of his mental problem even he did not mean to do the thing that he have done but George might have the better life If he did not have to take care of Lennie and at last if George did not kill Lennie, Curley will shoot Lennie. Curley's wife, who sashays in, has some advice: don't feel bad because the pup was just a mutt, and mutts are aplenty in the world. He's sad and he's angry. What happened to Lennie's puppy? What are the powers and the weakness of Deadpool. They wanted to get a farm together with many animals. Identify your study strength and weaknesses. The first is of his dead Aunt Clara who admonishes him for not listening to George. So just because George was a bit smarter than Lennie didn 't mean he had to shoot him and continue being friends with the others. She is able to connect with Lennie for a brief moment based on their shared love of soft things, such as animals and her own hair, but when Lennie pets her hair longer than she would like, she starts getting agitated. Unfortunately, death by Georges hands was the best option for Lennie. Please wait while we process your payment. Sniveling selfishly at this tragic, senseless loss of life, the reader should dismiss Candy's assessment. Why Did Lennie Kill Curleys Wife? answer choices This is largely due to his intellectual disability, which makes it difficult for him to understand other people or anticipate the consequences of his actions. The time when Lennie killed a small mouse foreshadowed similar upcoming events. So he instinctively reaches out and starts stroking Curley's wife's hair. Candy, the old ranch worker. Mercy Killing or Murder: A Moral Dilemma Regarding the Death of Lennie in Of Mice and Men December 2022 Authors: Ting-Xuan Shen Ya-huei Wang Abstract This study aims to analyze the death of. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. When she finally comes out and tells him that she wants to have sex, Lennie still doesnt fully understand what she wants from him. Lennie did not mean to kill Curleys wife or the puppy. Curley's wife is the only female character who is directly featured in the novel. She might have had a chance to be in the movies. So when Curleys wife came into the bunkhouse and began flirting with Lennie, George may have seen it as an opportunity to finally be rid of his burden. Latest answer posted August 09, 2017 at 8:49:59 AM. What does she ask Lennie to do? The sad thing is is that he doesn't know how strong he really is, nor does he know what hes done wrong in the first place. One such situation occurs when he accidentally kills Curleys wife. Mostly the victims of Curley's cruelty were people he didn't like. Lennie displays several instances of anger in the chapter. Curley's wife has no idea about Lennie's past history of unwitting violence and she certainly would not put herself in danger. They had no family and traveled together. She does nothing wrong, and Lennie kills her accidentally. loneliness is caused by social isolation and physical isolation. She was even brazen enough to enter the bunkhouse uninvited while the men were taking a break. Lennie can be very clueless and forgetful. Lennie accepts the invitation and begins petting her hair. The reason George has warned Lennie against speaking to Curleys wife is because Curley is jealous and cruel, so once again, Curley is the one ultimately responsible for the circumstances that bring about his wifes death. Do George and Candy still plan to buy the dream farm after Lennies death? George was apprehensive to kill Lennie. Lennie had to be killed because he didnt know his own strength. Is Bruce Willis Dementia Diagnosis Putting Strain on His Marriage to Emma? Twice, the narrator describes Lennie as "angry." One could argue that Lennie is more responsible for the death of Curley's wife. Analyzes how lennie kills curley's wife because he shook her to hard while she was screaming and snapped her neck. However, he got angry at her because she was trying to scream. She also resents being left alone while Curley is out working, playing horseshoes, or at a bar. However, Lennie doesn't simply kill herseveral unfortunate events lead to her death. from Indiana University of Pennsylvania M.A. Explains that crooks, curley's wife, and lennie are all outcasts on the ranch because of their differences. He hallucinates, seeing his Aunt Clara and a giant rabbit. He starts messing it up, which sends Curley's wife into a tizzy. Lennie ends up crushing his hand, which makes Curley hate him even more. However, any hope for her or Lennie evaporates when Lennie kills her. Candy is far from correct. So, Lennie pets Curley's wife's hair. Lennie got himself into trouble when he accidentally killed Curley's wife. changing verbs to nouns worksheet pdf Tweet; epic inpatient assessment for nurse fundamentals 200 Share; capital community college admissions Hatena; hose reel swivel repair kit Also, Read What are the powers and the weakness of Deadpool. Renews May 8, 2023 Despite the fact that Lennie rebuffs Curley's wife's initial attempts at having a conversation, one cannot blame Curley's wife for searching for companionship. Over the course of the book Lennie has either killed or hurt somebody or something on a Summary In this essay, the author Another factor that may have played into Lennies actions is his relationship with George. Curley takes an immediate dislike to Lennie because Lennie is so much bigger than he is. Consider this as you continue into the final chapter. Was it an accident? Lennie touched her hair and since he liked the way it felt, he grabbed on her hair and did not let go. This ultimately leads to tragic consequences when he kills Curleys wife despite George telling him multiple times to stay away from her. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. what did curley's wife tell lennie? eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. However, the most likely explanation is that he did it in self-defense or to protect George. Lennie Small, a large childish man's death is a mercy killing because he can't control his strength and as a result he hurts a lot of living things. Why does Curley's wife not have a name in Of Mice and Men? And she continued to struggle, and her eyes were wild with terror. On one hand, it allows him to see the world in a more positive light. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. He intends to lynch him or otherwise. What happens between Lennie and Curley's wife in chapter 5? That too is what Of Mice and Men is all about. Expert Answers. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. What was Curley's reaction to his wife's death? 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Lennie Small. What happens in chapter 5 in Of Mice and Men? All because he wanted her to be quite. of the users don't pass the Of Mice and Men Chapter 5 quiz! Either way, she ended up marrying Curley. You'll also receive an email with the link. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Accessed 2 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. She told Lennie that she didn't like Curley and that she had had other opportunities to go places and make something of herself, but she couldn't take advantage of them, so she married Curley as the next most likely way to get out of her hometown. When the others find out, Curley heads the hunt to find Lennie and kill him. The most ironic thing about this scene is that her death is that it is preceded by a moment of human connection. This could very well be what happened with Curleys wife. Lennie didn't mean to kill Curley's wife. When Curleys wife starts to scream, Lennie covers her mouth because he worries Georgell be mad and that he wont be allowed to tend the rabbits on their future farm. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. When she came into the barn, she was brandishing a deadly weapona broken bottleand she was clearly intent on doing him harm. Curley's wife's death is a symbol of loss of innocence. As a result, he shook it and broke its neck. George decides to put him out of his misery like Carlson did with the dog. Because she never received the letter promised. Curley's wife came to see Lennie because she figured out that he crushed Curley's hand and wouldn't be afraid of Curley anymore-he was the most likely candidate for her advances at this time. eNotes Editorial, 13 Mar. He does, but his big, clumsy fingers start to mess it up, and she angrily tells him to let go. why does crooks relent in his taunting of lennie? What does George say to Lennie before he shoots him? Frustrated that this might cost him the chance to tend the rabbits at the dream farm, he tosses it. sarah williamson i24 biography,
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